Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day X: Losing track of the days

Person hiding under blanket
I honestly and truly have no idea how I'm going to pull this off in such a short time. I'm seriously having a difficult time keeping everything together on paper, in my head, and anywhere else for that matter. I'm having the classic "I want to hide under the bed until all of this is over", which is not really possible at this point.

In one week, I have to "rise up to the occasion", and start teaching. THREE COURSES. Three freakin' courses! Why did I think that was a good idea is beyond me!

I seriously have no idea how I'm going to do this. I can prioritize all I want, but the fact of the matter is that I still have to produce a finished and polished piece of work in a week and a half, and I have a little over half of it finished. I am still doing the data analysis, which is taking much longer than it's supposed so. I also still have not even started doing the quantitative analysis yet, and one of my committee members JUST got back to me last night about my outline saying that she lost is due to a technical glitch and her health problems. At this point, that's really not very helpful.

I AM panicking! Severely panicking. I really don't know if I can do this in such a short time. That's realistically speaking, of course.

I speak with my DA this afternoon, and here's what I'll need to find out from her:

1. What's the absolute latest I can give her the dissertation so that she can review it in time, and send it back to me for modifications?

2. What happens if I don't pass?

3. What are all the possible scenarios between now and the defense?

So, my questions I guess are:

1. Does she expect that she will have the final product between the time I give it to her, and the time I have to submit to my committee?

2. Can I still keep working on the dissertation until February 26?

3. What are all the scenarios for the defense?

I'm having severe anxieties right now, and I need to calm down, and just keep on plugging away.

close-up of a stack of old leather bound books
In the meantime, I have to revise my work-plan. I need to re-evaluate it, and consider "working smart" versus "working to perfection". There are some core themes in my FN. What are those? Code for those, and move on. I'm not doing grounded theory. Period. Just identify the most salient themes, and talk about those, and stop worrying about it being "methodologically perfect". Just do what needs to be done, be explicit about how I did my analysis, and then just go from there. Start thinking this DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT RIGHT NOW! IT JUST HAS TO BE DONE!

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