Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 26: Inconsistency

I went to the office yesterday (any sentence that starts that way is bound to signal a day of not getting any writing done). I didn't get any writing done. BUT, what I did get done is scanning all my field notes, and starting my thesis binder (found on the left here). The binder actually has a bunch of white papers that serve as placeholders.

When I first held the stack of papers, I nearly cried. They were still at about 128, but I realized that whatever I had achieved up to that point, was a monumental task! It takes a lot of energy, discipline, and focus, even to produce that much! And, that's about what my thesis was.

So, the next step now is to turn a thesis into a dissertation, and almost double the amount of writing I have to do. That's not true, actually. I just need to write about seventy pages between now and January 26, about two weeks from now. That's 35 pages per week, which is totally doable. Right. Meh. I need another month to get this puppy in a presentable format! Worse comes to worst, if I'm not fully done with a polished version by the time I defend, I'll have a couple of weeks, or even a month to get everything in. But, I don't want to take that option. My goal is to defend on March 26. Period. And then I'll deal with the rest later.

Today's goal is to finish cataloging my fieldnotes, and then code as many as I can. By tonight, I really would like to start the analysis. It's going to be a Rapid Coding day, but so what. The point is to get it all done, and then get to the analysis. My committee will not care the least in the quality of my coding. All they care about is my write-up, and I'm nowhere near that point yet.

But first... breakfast!

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