Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 24: No sense of perfectionism!

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I'm very overwhelmed with the amount of data that I have. I honestly did not think that I had this much, but after I've compiled my notebooks and everything, I'm realizing that I have a massive amount of data. Well, I think it's big enough to get a dissertation out of, anyhow.

Now, how to organize it all.

I have a number of options:

1. Type everything up, and then code everything
2. Scan everything, and only code what's important
3. Catalog everything, and only code and enter what's important into a spreadsheet, or even directly into Atlas.ti.
4. Catalog everything (notebooks, etc.), and then only type the quotation that I need, and then code that.

I think essentially 2 and 4 are basically the same. But, with 4 I don't have to scan things first. I can just enter in what I have.

But, I think before moving forward, I should just code the 135 pages of notes that I already have typed up, and see how that goes. I don't think I want to code every single thing like I did with the interviews, but I think I should at least try to figure out what I have, and what I still need from my notes, and go from there.

Remember also to keep a notebook to the side with observations or things I remember as I go through the process of reading and coding.

Today is Friday. I am determined to get all my FN coded and/or cataloged by Sunday night. That's it. Period.

Do them in chunks at a time, and just keep going through them as I go. I don't need to spend too much time on grunge work. I just have to get done.

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