Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 19: Things to do today

On the menu today:

- Code int 3
- Code int 4
- Code int 5
- Code int 6
- Code int 7
- Code int 8



2:16 pm - Things are a mess!!

I lost a third of one interview, and I can't find the backup tape! ARGH! Luckily, I know the person so I can just ask her next time I see her.

And, one of my transcriptions is off. I put it in the wrong place. Grrr... I don't need this right now!

I have to now go figure out what the hell is going on with these data. Very annoying!

4:03 pm - Wow. This is bad.
I only finished one tomato since I wrote the last entry. I'm distracted and very tired, which makes everything worse. I decided to block out the Daily board, since I'm spending so much time on it. Leechblock is my savior once again. Now, whenever I spend more than ten minutes every two hours on the site, I get blocked out, with a picture of The Master showing up in its place ordering me to get back to work. And, I've launched Temptation Blocker that I've been using to cheat on Leechblock to check Twitter and Facebook. Bad bad bad!

Alright. Back to work. Gotta finish coding these interviews tonight. I'm determined!

5:00 - Done with six tomatoes

I actually have only three interviews left to code, but they're the longest ones. Oh dear heaven me. They're also the "meatiest" ones. So that should be ok.

One of the annoying things about this is that there's no closed-set of codes to use. I have to use whatever the data are telling me, so I end up generating hundreds of codes. Eventually, I'll go in and clean them up, but in the meantime, it's all open-ended, ad-hoc and all that.

I've also started wearing my grandma glasses. I need to get some sort of eye relief. The strain is starting to get very bad.

Ok. Bathroom break, and then back to it. Maybe I can get this interview finished before I make dinner.

Tonight's plan:

11:32 - What is wrong with me tonight?

I ended up faffing most of the day away. This is depressing. I'm absolutely exhausted right now, and I don't feel like I have that much to show for it.

BUT... I have nine interviews coded already, so that's good for something!

But, definitely not as much as I wanted to.

I only worked 4:30 today! Arght!

But, I had planned  10-15 hours for coding interviews, and I only needed about six hours. So that's not bad!

Give myself some credit here. Jeez.

Ooh lookie! Instant Boss is keeping total track of my work so far. It says Total Work to Date: 9 hours and 12 minutes. 9 hours? When's that? Yesterday and today? Not sure when that timeframe is. Either way. I'm going to bed.

Tomorrow's plan:

- Calculate final grades
- Enter final grades
- Finish coding final interview
- Do second round of interview coding
- Type up what I have of the fieldnotes
- Starting organizing codes

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