Monday, December 21, 2009

Day X: What day am I on again?

I don't know what day I am on, and when I should have started counting. I think I started counting December 15, and here we are six days later, and I'm still nowhere to be done with my transcriptions.

But, I am making progress. Well, as much as it is humanly possible to do so, considering what I have to deal with.

Today's goal is to finish two interviews. I think that puts me at 6-7. Reason why I can't remember how many I have is because I left the other ones at the office, and just don't feel like venturing out in the snow to get them. Working at home is working for now, so I just have to keep doing it.

What is NOT working, is being distracted by my friend who is going through a crisis. I can't be up chatting online until 11:30, and expect to be up ready for work. I actually didn't get myself out of bed until about 7:30. That's very late for me!

Oh.. interviews... why won't you just transcribe yourselves and save me the headache?

I think what might end up happening is that I will not finish the transcriptions until right before Christmas, which means that as soon as I return from Christmas on Saturday, I will have all my data transcribed, and I'll be good to go. Incha'allah!

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