Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 8: Running tally of whining and moping

10:22 am: Ok.. that didn't go on as expected!

Realized that I had not been backing up my data or anything, and that sent me into, of course, a heart attack! And, I need to keep my work computer and my laptop sync'ed up so I don't have to keep going to the office to get data I'm working on.

I signed up for Dropbox, and hopefully, that'll take care of it. It's a virtual online storage and syncing service that gives you 2 gigs free. If anyone is interested in signing up, please let me know, because when you sign up on my referrals, I get more storage

Anyhow... Shower time, and then meeting DH for lunch, and then I'll be back to transcriptions. I just have two left. One that's two hours long, and one that's one hour long. It might be another long night, but after that, I'm done with this evil process!

1:04 pm: I'm doing a (small) happy dance!

Went to my office, and indeed I found I had five interviews already transcribed! I thought I did, but then this morning's panic attack made me doubt that. So now thanks to Dropbox, I can get those, and bask in the wonder that is 300 pages of transcriptions! Yeah.. that'll be fun to get through.

But.. no matter... I have two interviews ONLY to do. One long one, and one short one, and I'm done! The short one is actually very funny, so I'm looking forward to it.

I'm loaded with Dunkin' Donuts coffee, and I'm ready to go!

3:12 pm: Fading fast... NOT GOOD!
Last night's staying up until 3:30 was probably not the wisest thing because I've spent the entire day in a fog. And now, I'm in a worse shape than I was this morning, and I faffed that away!

I only have 5 minutes out of this long interview completed.. UGH!

I'm here for the rest of afternoon/night. I have to wrap presents, but that's the only other thing on the agenda.

3:57 pm: Better time, less energy

My timing on the typing is getting slightly better. So that I did about ten minutes in about a half an hour. It's still in the 1:3 ratio, but at least it's somewhat consistent.

Now that I'm almost done with the transcriptions, I wonder what the uniting theme is. I don't think there is one. I think there are snapshots of different women's experiences, and some of their struggles and histories. Other than that, there's really no uniting theme... Yet. I'm sure something will come up at some point. But, the trend I was hoping to get is not there. Ah well. Not sure how to handle that.

8:10 pm: <Insert witty quip here>

My fantasy of finishing up all my transcriptions prior to departure tomorrow will just not be realized. I have to complete one tonight, which will take another two to three hours, and the other one... well, I don't know. Maybe when I get back. Ugh.

So... here, soon I'll go for my evening Earl Grey tea ritual, and slog through the rest of the

9:00 pm: I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel

As much as this is an incredibly unpleasant task, it's quite interesting. I wish, however, that I had taken better notes right before and after I did the interview, because now there are some contextual things that I'm missing from my memory, which is too bad.

9:58 pm: Must. Not. Have. Ideas!

I hate when in the middle of a transcription, my brain is spinning because i thought of something interesting that'll send me on a while goose chase. I should be satisfied with making a note of it, and getting back to the interview. But no. I NEED TO FIND THE ANSWERS AND THE DATA RIGHT NOW!


Sometimes this monkey brain, I swear! (picture source:

12:26 am: One more down!

FINALLY finished my last long interview! YAY!! *does a happy jig*

I'm going to crash now, because I earned my sleep. And then wake up very early and finish the last interview, and then let the festivities begin! I'll be away until Saturday, and I'm not even going to think about anything diss related! WOOHOO!!

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