Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 13: This is not moving any faster!

4:49 PM: Getting back to it... I hope!

Pulling teeth is starting to look very attractive these days after struggling to get one paragraph on the page.

I'm working on an expanded outline, and that's enough to send me into a major anxiety attack. All I can do is "bit by bit". That's it. Just take small morsels in 1x20 or 1x25, and move on to the next one. Eventually, it will add up.

Just gotta keep telling myself that.

Ok.. Now on to the next 1x25. Spent some time chatting with mom, and that took a while. 

9:39 pm: Only worked 1:20 hours

Eventually, I did get myself to sit down and get some work done. But, that didn't last for too long. I worked less than an hour and a half. However, I didmanage to finish the dissertation draft, version 1.0. Now working on a complete edit and rewrite. My goal is to finish it tomorrow.

What worked today:
  1. Finally sitting down with Instant Boss, and setting the timer for 20 minutes at a time. 
  2. Trying to set tiny tiny milestones along the way
  3. Seeing the trees instead of the entire forest all at once
  4. Reminding myself that all I can do is one small step at a time

What didn't work today: 
  1. Going in to the office
  2. Catching up on email
  3. Checking email every single fifteen minutes
  4. Switching browsers to check Facebook and Twitter. Seriously.. If I have them blocked in one browser, why is it ok for me to switch browsers to check them?
  5. Eating a lot of chocolate
  6. Drinking a lot of caffeine that made me monkey-brained, and unfocused
  7. Checking PhinisheD all the time, but that can be a little motivating, so I'm going to leave it
  8. Being anxious and worried that this will never work!
  9. Working on my personal websites BEFORE getting any real work done
I'm so tempted to delete all my online accounts until I get this done.

So, tomorrow's goals:

  1. Complete Outline 1.0
  2. Revise outline
  3. Complete Outline 1.2
  4. Revise Outline
  5. Complete Outline 1.3
  6. Revise Outline
  7. Complete Outline 2.0
  8. Email outline to committee
Chat with my TA about final exam.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Editors are the key ingredient that separates good from great dissertation writing.

dissertation editor

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