Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 3: The worst part about this....

There are two "worst part" about this thing...

1. I absolutely hate transcribing interviews. There are lots of other I could be doing with my time.

2. I hate transcribing interviews because there's really nothing else I can do while doing it to make go any faster, or any smoother. Usually when I'm dreading working, I put on some music, and that makes things go faster. Not so with transcriptions. It has to have my full attention. It's a pain in the neck, is what it is! Ugh.

Maybe I should pay someone to transcribe, at least, the English interviews, so maybe I can focus on something that's a little more digestible.

I don't know... I'm going to give it until Tuesday, and then if I'm not finished by then, I'm going to pay someone to do it for me. I'm sick of this.

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