Sunday, February 7, 2010

I cannot keep myself awake

Worked all day, and managed to write only 7 pages out of the total 20 that I needed to wrap up this chapter.

It's 3 am now, and I've been sleeping on and off throughout the day., and I'm REALLY trying to stay awake, but I just can't. I cannot do that to my body. The night before I didn't sleep very well, and ended up like a total zombie the entire day, which had a rollercoaster effect on my work.

So, I need to be fully alert to work. I can't be half-awake, because nothing makes sense to me, and I am just spent.

So... screw it. I can only do what I can do. Staying up until midnight working is reasonable. Waking up at 2 in the morning is not.

Goal for tomorrow:

1. Finish chapter
2. Start on the next chapter, and try to do at least a half of what's left
3. Go to sleep by 11

This sucks.

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