Sunday, May 16, 2010

STILL not finished!

Try as I might, I'm at a complete standstill. I can't get any of the final edits complete, nor am I able to get all the paperwork moving. In the grand scheme of things, I need less than three hours worth of work. But, I'm seriously having a hard time getting going on it.

Part of this standstill, I think, comes from two things:

1. I'm having a hard time letting go. Once it's submitted, that's it. It's done. No more being a student.
2. I'm worried that once I submit it, it will come back to haunt me in my old age, due to some assumed plagiarism, or some policy something or the other that I did.

The one is just an attachment thing. The second one is fear. Fear of the unknown, and fear of knowing how it will affect me later on in life.

But, that fear is quite unfounded. Really. If I am so worried about it, I can try submitting it to Turn-it-in, and see what happens.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Still not done!

Defended successfully on March 26, 2010! WOOHOO!

Left to do:

- Incorporate format checks
- Incorporate DCM1 changes
- Incorporate DCM2 changes

- Incorporate DCM3 changes
- Incorporate DA changes
- Incorporate defense changes
- Send to editor for review
- Incorporate editor changes
- Submit final manuscript to grad school: April 30, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010


This is it. Last night of (hopefully) working all night. I would love to get some sleep at some point though. Seriously!

So I decided to stay in my office and work, rather than be home and tempted to go to take a nap that lasts for five hours *gasp!*

Plus I have access to a printer here, which I don't have at home.

Here are my most urgent plans:

Read ALL introductions and ALL conclusions to see if they make sense on their own. 2Ts
Read the Introductory Chapter in its entirety 1T
Read the concluding chapter in its entirety 1T

Finish writing the conclusion 2T

Then come back on here and check back in.

No more than 2 tomatoes per task.

Damn.. That's there hours right there. *sighs*

Another looooong night! But I'm SDC!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I'm totally fading out. I have the entire "structure" fully complete except for minor sections here and there.

I can't stay away anymore. I need to take a nap.

So, half an hour nap, and then back to it! Maybe I can whip a couple of these sections into shape before i hit "send", so the wrath would not be as bad.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Too tired to cry :(

In my insane rush to the FedEx box, I used the wrong label to ship my package. I used the international waybill instead of the domestic one. I called FedEx, they can't do anything about it. This will significantly delay it, blah blah. My DA wants it by Friday morning before she leaves for the weekend. That's not going to happen.

Called her, and she said email EVERYTHING by tomorrow at 8. I was supposed to send her bits today, and the rest on Friday morning. This is the third time she's changed the dates on me. UGH!!!!

So... back to the drawing board. I still don't have a conclusion, and I need to get cracking on that, and my intro still stinks, blah blah blah.

About 12 hours left. I can whip this thing into shape. I don't need to sleep, right?


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So damn close!!!! T-2!

My brain simply cannot process any more.

I'm going to sleep. Wake up hopefully refreshed, work on this chapter and the one before it, and send them both to the DA by 5. Hopefully ten hours will suffice to get these two chapters in some sort of coherent order.

This means that I'll have all of Wednesday night and Thursday day and night to complete the last three chapters. One of them remains to be written (the outro), and the rest is just a matter of editing.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

T-4 days: Too much data!

10:10 am:

I'm going to use Temptation Blocker to block out SPSS, Excel, and all my web browsers for the next two hours. I spent so much time on quantitative data in the last few days that it's starting to look like that's all I did, which it isn't. So today's goal is to balance it out with some qualitative data and some quotes.

Today's agenda (in order):

1. Bio of all participants
2. Go through rest of material sitting on my desk for inclusion in diss
2. Check students' IRB and email them accordingly
3. Write 25% of SFD of conclusion

But first, food, and more coffee!